Display block disappearance persists even after being set to none

Presented below is my menu design:

<div class="span2 main-menu-span">
    <div class="well nav-collapse sidebar-nav">
        <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-stacked main-menu">
            <li class="nav-header hidden-tablet"><span id="menu1" style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" onClick=checkMenu('menu1')>-</span> Main 1</li>
            <li id='menu1a'><a class="ajax-link" href="menu1a.php"><span class="hidden-tablet">Menu 1 a</span></a></li>
            <li id='menu1b'><a class="ajax-link" href="menu1b.php"><span class="hidden-tablet">Menu 1 b</span></a></li>

I aim to allow users to hide a section by clicking on the '-' symbol, which should then change to a '+'. However, currently when I press it again, the section does not reappear.

function checkMenu(idVal){
   var idValue = idVal;
   //alert("Mwnu value :" +idValue);
   //alert("Mwnu value :" +document.getElementById(idValue).innerHTML);
      if(idValue == "menu1" ){
        //alert("Mwnu value :" +idValue);
        document.getElementById("menu1").innerHTML ="-" ;
        //alert("Mwnu value :" +document.getElementById("menu1a").style.display);
        document.getElementById("menu1").innerHTML ="+" ;

Answer №1

To solve this, include an else if statement:

else if(document.getElementById(idValue).innerHTML=="-")

Answer №2

Upon reviewing the alert message, it is evident that there are spaces within the innerHtml value. It is advised to utilize trim() for trimming the extra spaces. Additionally, consider incorporating an else if statement as suggested by JoshJ.


Check out the demonstration here: http://plnkr.co/edit/YPE59IR4GKxL4JCilNUz?p=preview

UPDATE: In case you are not interested in delving into this issue further, it is recommended to leverage frameworks like bootstrap that offer pre-implemented solutions for such scenarios.

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