There's a button on my page that goes into a disabled state when clicked, and then reverts back to an enabled state once the server update is complete.
title = "Test When Disabled"
displays whether the button is enabled or disabled. I only want this title to show up when the button is disabled, hiding it when in the enabled state.
My goal is to display a tooltip
only when the button is disabled.
Below is the code snippet:
<asp:Button ID="TestRun" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="Test When Disabled" type="button" Text="Run Integration"
runat="server" class='button' OnClientClick="RunIntegrationTest()">
.button:disabled {
// Styles for disabled button
.button {
// Styles for normal button
.button:hover:disabled {
// Styles for hover on disabled button
.tooltip {
// Tooltip styles
JS :
// JavaScript functions for handling button functionality
// C# code snippet for checking the button status
I've been struggling with this simple task for quite some time now without success. All I need is to display text as a tooltip when the button is in a disabled state. Thank you.