Display a PDF on a website and ensure it is horizontally scrolled to the center

After embedding a PDF in a webpage, I noticed that the width of the window is smaller than the actual PDF, resulting in a horizontal scroll bar appearing. Surprisingly, the PDF itself has wide margins on both sides, making it challenging for users to view the content easily. However, when the user scrolls to the center of the PDF, the content fits perfectly.

If possible, I would like this scrolling to happen automatically.

You can find the code here. Click on the specification tab to view the PDF.

For Google Chrome, I made the following adjustments:

I replaced the embed tag with an iframe.

<iframe id='pdf_embed' height='1300' style='width: 734px; margin-left: -40px;' src='iframe_url?pdf=pdf_url.'></iframe>

On the page with the iframe, I included the following styles:

    width: 200%;
    margin-left: -370px;
    margin-top: -150px;
<body >
    <object height='1430' data="<?php echo $_GET['pdf']; ?>" type="application/pdf">
        <embed height='1430' src="<?php echo $_GET['pdf']; ?>" type="application/pdf" />

This solution worked well for zooming in on the PDF and eliminating the visible margins, making the text easier to read. Although it didn't work for Firefox or IE, @Infer-On's solution below provides an alternative.

Answer №1

It seems that passing some parameters to your PDF file might solve the issue. I found a helpful documentation with some suggestions:

You can try using the following code snippet:


This sets the zoom and scroll factors by using float or integer values. For instance, a scale value of 100 indicates a zoom value of 100%.

Alternatively, you could use:


This sets the view of the displayed page based on keyword values defined in the PDF language specification. For more details, refer to the PDF Reference.

Refer to the documentation to determine which parameter will work best for your needs:



I have already attempted the following:

<object data="http://www.stelladoradus.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/en_spec_RP1000G3.pdf" 
 width="300" height="500">
    <param name="view" value="fit" />



This method works, except for Chrome browser...

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