Alter the background hue of alternate div elements within a row

The table I have contains multiple div elements, each corresponding to an item in an array.

Within the table, there is a single tr, and the 1st and 2nd td are not directly related to the 3rd and 4th td.

Each td in the table repeats a div element for the length of an array. For example, the first column between Balance B/d and Income represents an array, and so does Income and subsequent elements.

Although I tried to apply a shaded-row style to every even row using ng-class, it didn't work as expected. Another method I considered was using .statement-item:nth-child(even), but this approach requires the removal of the parent statement-container. Is there a better solution?

    <!-- Table structure here -->

Answer №1

Consider checking the length of the previous collection in the 2nd repeater and based on whether it is even or odd, reverse your ng-class logic like this:

balanceArray.length % 2  ===  0 ? $index % 2 == 0 : $index % 2 != 0

By the way, if there is no specific reason for separating them with a container, it might be more efficient to keep all items together and manipulate the styling with CSS (using odd/even child selectors).

Answer №2

How about this concept: develop a function that stores an array of random colors and chooses one randomly. Check out the example below:

getRandomColor() {
    let colors = ['#ffffff', '#000000', '#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'];

    let randomColor = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];

    return randomColor;

Alternatively, you could establish a global variable array with objects structured like this:

var colorsArray = [{color: '#fff', used: false}, {color: '#000', used: true}];

Then you could create a function that iterates over that array:

let selectedColor = '';

for(let i = 0; i < colorsArray.length; i++) {
  if(!colorsArray[i].used) {
    colorsArray[i].used = true;
    selectedColor = colorsArray[i].color;

return selectedColor;

You might be able to implement something like

ng-style="{'background-color' : getRandomColor()}"
(I'm not very knowledgeable about Angular, so please forgive any mistakes.)

I hope this suggestion helps kickstart your project.

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