Display a JQuery dropdown menu depending on the ID of the current section

In my one-page structure, I have multiple sections with a categorized nav-bar that includes drop-down lists for each category. My goal is to display the drop-down menu of the category corresponding to the current section.


I attempted to implement this approach but it does not seem to be working. Any suggestions or alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Edit: I apologize for not being able to share the code directly. Let me provide more details on the issue at hand. Here is a visual representation of my navigation menu with dropdowns on hover.

Is there a way to automatically show the drop-down menu contents when reaching their respective sections without hovering? I'm seeking advice on how to achieve this functionality.

Answer №1

Click here to view the live demo showcasing what you are looking for. I've kept the JavaScript code simple by using conditional functions to activate subcategories when clicked or selected.

UPDATE: I have made changes to the code as requested, allowing the subsections of categories to appear as you scroll down. If you find it confusing, feel free to reach out for assistance.

HTML Code Snippet

 <!-- HTML code goes here -->
<!-- Use this space to showcase your HTML code -->

CSS Styling

 /* CSS styles go here */
/* Style your website with this CSS block */

JavaScript Functionality

 // JavaScript functionality included here
// Add interactive features using this JavaScript block

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