Display a div when hovering over a span with custom styling

Don't let the title fool you.


I'm struggling to style the text inside a span tag within a div. The h3 element shouldn't be nested in the span, but removing it makes it difficult to style with CSS.

When hovering over the image in the jsfiddle, a hidden div is shown - that's the effect I want. Any suggestions on how to achieve this without the h3 tag?

Should I consider using jQuery instead? If so, any tutorials or guides would be appreciated. Thank you!

UPDATE: Despite the help received, I realize I haven't explained myself clearly.

The left side shows how I want it styled, but removing the h3 tags and class .info changes the styling to resemble the right side. It's important for me to control the border width, position, and padding.

Answer №1

To improve the appearance of text within an <a> tag, consider placing specific style rules right below the tag itself. By doing this, you can effectively overwrite the default styling that is applied to anchor tags. Here is an example:

.highlighted a {
    color: #333;
    font-weight: bold;

Answer №2

I successfully resolved the issue if anyone is interested.

Instead of utilizing h3 tags and a span, I decided to eliminate both and substituted with a div inside the hover appearing div. You can view the changes in the provided fiddle link below. It now conforms to html5 standards as desired. Thanks for all the assistance!


Answer №3

Upon removing the <h3> tag, I noticed a decrease in the margin surrounding the text. To restore this margin, one can simply substitute the <h3> with a <span>, adjust the CSS accordingly to target the span instead of the h3, and include display: block within the declaration.

Answer №4

In your CSS, you have the following code towards the end:

.item a:hover .info {
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 10px;
    left: 30px;
    width: 250px;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 10px;
    background: #000;

This code targets all .info elements inside hovered a tags within an .item element. However, there is no .item element in your HTML.

To fix this issue, simply remove .item from the CSS and everything will work correctly when you eliminate the H3 tag.

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