Discovering whether a pseudo-element (::after) has been clicked in a React.js environment

I'm attempting to capture click events on an element's ::after pseudo element.

I hope that something along these lines is achievable:


class PsudoExample extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div onAfterClick={() => {}}>


Preferably, I am looking for a solution that does not rely on using document.querySelector or similar techniques.

Answer №1

It's challenging to differentiate between click events on an element and its pseudo-elements because the same event handler will be triggered when the user clicks on either.

However, a workaround is using CSS to disable pointer-events on the main element while still allowing pointer-events on the pseudo-element(s). This method creates a sort of "half-way-there" solution for detecting clicks only on pseudo-elements:

  pointer-events: initial;


By implementing this, you can then utilize the regular onClick handler that will now only respond when the ::after pseudo-element is clicked:

class PseudoExample extends Component{
    <div onClick={() => { console.log("after clicked"); }}>
    I host a pseduo elements

I hope this explanation helps!

Answer №2

If you want to handle a click event on the parent element, keep in mind that this will not accurately determine if the click occurred specifically on the "x" button.

Pseudo elements should primarily be used for decorative purposes. Because they are styled using CSS and do not require HTML markup, they are not designed for functional actions such as button clicks.

Instead of relying on pseudo elements for interactive elements like an "X" button, consider using a proper button element. Pseudo elements lack accessibility features like keyboard focus, making them less suitable for functional components.

class PseudoExample extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.close} type="button" class="close"/>

  close = () => {

ReactDOM.render(<PseudoExample/>, document.querySelector('main'))
.close {
  border: none;

.close:after {
  content: "X";
  display: block;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

I understand the frustration with "you're doing it wrong" responses. However, in this scenario, making a minor adjustment (hopefully not too extensive) may prove to be a more effective solution.

Answer №3

function handleMouseClick(event, item) {
  let maxWidth = 300; // adjust based on element width
  if (event.nativeEvent.layerY < maxWidth) {
    // insert your custom code here
  } else {
    console.log("Clicked beyond the defined area");

  return (
    <div onClick={(e) => handleClick(e)}>Click me</div>

e.nativeEvent.layerY represents the vertical position of the clicked area within the element.

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