Looking to locate an element using CSS Selector with Selenium in Java.
Here's the HTML snippet:
<div class="PayMeth" widgetid="PayMeth_0" id="PayMeth_0">
<div class="Icon GIFT" data-dojo-attach-point="pmN"></div>
<div class="paytMethLab" data-dojo-attach-point="pmN">Program Card<br>
0000 000 0000 ****</div>
<div class="payMethAmtP" data-dojo-attach-point="pmAmtN">-$0.1</div>
The current path used that is not working:
By.cssSelector("div[class=paytMethLab.contains(Program Card)]")
Attempting to extract the text "Program Card". Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.