"Discover the versatility of implementing a single ag grid across various components, all while dynamically adjusting its style

I am facing an issue where I have an angular grid ag-grid in component1, which is being used in some other component2. Now, I need to use the same component1 in component3 but with a different class for ag-grid, specifically 'ag-grid-theme-dark'. How can I pass the configuration class to the component?

Here is the code for component1:

<ag-grid-angular class="ag-theme-balham" [gridOptions]="gridOptions"
    [rowData]="gridSource" [columnDefs]="columnDefs" [rowClassRules]="rowClassRules"

 this.gridOptions = {
      rowData: this.gridSource

And here is the code for component3:

On click of a button icon, a popup will open displaying the ag-grid, but we want it to have the 'ag-grid-theme-dark' class.

 private dialogRef: MatDialogRef<component3>;
 dataValues() {
    this.dialogRef = this.openDialog.open(component3, {
      width: '100%',
      height: '100%',
      data: {
        context: this, dataTable: this.comingData, Col: this.column

Answer №1

A customized wrapper component can be created to enclose your grid with default settings or by passing them as parameters.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'wrapper-component',
  templateUrl: './wrapper.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './wrapper.component.scss' ]
export class WrapperComponent  {
    @Input() columnDefs: Array<any>;
    @Input() rowData: Array<any>;

The HTML template would be:


To make it more versatile, you can design it to be generic and utilize it in various parts of your application by adjusting the inputs for different views, which is the recommended approach.

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