Disabling the <A> tag within an image due to image map functionality

My thumbnails are set up to be different links, usually accomplished with this code:

<a href=#><img src=# /></a>

However, I have now converted each thumbnail into an image map (changing the thumbnail as you mouse over). Despite my attempts to include the <a> tag in various locations, the image refuses to act as a link. Even when using JavaScript on the enclosing div. It is important to mention that the image has a title (within a <span> tag) below it, which functions correctly as a link.

Is there a way to make the image both a link and a map simultaneously?

Answer №1

What is the purpose of utilizing image maps? Using image maps may not be necessary to achieve the desired functionality.

Answer №2

Oh, I understand...

Did you know that an image map is a unique alternative to the <a> tag?

To achieve similar behavior, consider creating 3 divs over the image, each with its own onMouseOver handler. You can also wrap the <img> element with an <a> tag for onClick functionality.

Another option is to enhance the divs with not only onMouseOver event handlers but also onClick event handlers, allowing you to handle both actions within a single function.

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