Difficulty in eliminating left and right padding in Vuetify's Toolbar component despite attempts with spacing helpers

The v-toolbar component features default padding of 24px on the left and right each in the desktop version. Unfortunately, this padding cannot be overridden.

I attempted to utilize Vuetify's spacing helpers (pa-0, ma-0), but they only end up shifting the logo beneath the padding as shown in the image. I also experimented with CSS classes like padding-left: 0 and padding: 0, but the padding persisted. Through DevTools, I discovered that the class used is "v-toolbar__content." In the <style></style> section, I tried implementing padding:0 and padding-left:0, yet nothing changed.

 <v-toolbar-title class="pa-0">
   <v-avatar size="40px" tile>
    <img src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/08/25/07/30/red-1618916_960_720.png" />

Thus, when applying class="pa-0" or class="pl-0," or attempting to override the padding of the "v-toolbar__content" class, I anticipate the padding to vanish, but it remains unchanged. View an example in sandbox.io editor here. https://i.sstatic.net/vJLJA.png

Answer №1

This issue was resolved by approaching it in the following way. The attempt to overwrite the 'v-toolbar__content' css class was unsuccessful due to the presence of the 'scoped' keyword in the style tag. Upon removing the 'scoped' keyword, the padding was successfully removed.

    .v-toolbar__content {
      padding-left: 0px;

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