Difficulty altering link hover background color

I'm having trouble changing the hover effect background-color on the tweets of this page:

Despite my efforts, all the links except for the latest tweets are working perfectly. What am I missing?

Here's what I've been trying...

    if(sessionStorage.getItem("visited") != "true"){
var colors = Array("#A3F8EF", "#FF7275", "#CBB6E7", "#FF9D74", "#FDF874"), idx;
idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length); // Choose random index
sessionStorage.setItem("colour", colors[idx]);
newColour = sessionStorage.getItem("colour");
newColour = sessionStorage.getItem("colour");

$("div.tweets_txt a").hover(function(){
  $(this).css("background-color", newColour+"!important");
}, function() {
sessionStorage.setItem("visited", "true");

Answer №1

It seems like there may be some confusion regarding your objective, and I would suggest simplifying the process by assigning classes to elements based on the situation. However, it appears that the issue revolves around new elements being added to the page. In this scenario, it seems that you are utilizing JavaScript within HTML code that runs only once during page load, without triggering any events. As a result, any dynamically added elements will not be affected by this script.

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