Issue encountered: difficulty with vertical alignment in table cell containing both text input and image

I am facing an issue with aligning two items (an input text and an image) within a cell of a table. Despite trying various methods like using vertical-align:middle, margin top, padding, and setting height to 100%, I haven't been able to achieve the desired vertical alignment.

The code snippet is as follows:

<table cellspacing="0" rules="all" border="1" id="Origen" style="width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;">
                <td class="cabeceraDG"> Origen</td><td class="cabeceraDG"> Centro</td><td class="cabeceraDG"> Usuario</td>
            </tr><tr style="white-space:nowrap;">
                <td class="campoOpcional">oficina</td><td class="campoOpcional" align="center" style="width:150px;">
                                <input name="Origen$ctl02$referenciaTextBox" type="text" value="0000" id="Origen_ctl02_referenciaTextBox" class="campoOpcional" onblur="return validate(this)" ref="0991" />
 <input type="image" name="Origen$ctl02$imgBtnGuardarCentro" id="Origen_ctl02_imgBtnGuardarCentro" title="Guardar" AutoPostBack="false" src="" onclick="return ASPxClientEdit.ValidateGroup();  msGuardar();" style="border-width:0px;" />
                             </td><td class="campoOpcional">TEST</td>

Here is a link to an example demonstrating the problem:

Answer №1

To make it work, simply add vertical-align: middle to the .campoOpcional input class. To visualize the changes, refer to the demo below:

.campoOpcional input {
  vertical-align: middle;
<table cellspacing="0" rules="all" border="1" id="Origen" style="width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;">
    <td class="cabeceraDG">Origen</td>
    <td class="cabeceraDG">Centro</td>
    <td class="cabeceraDG">Usuario</td>
  <tr style="white-space:nowrap;">
    <td class="campoOpcional">oficina</td>
    <td class="campoOpcional" align="center" style="width:150px;">
      <input name="Origen$ctl02$referenciaTextBox" type="text" value="0000" id="Origen_ctl02_referenciaTextBox" class="campoOpcional" onblur="return validate(this)" ref="0991" />
      <input type="image" name="Origen$ctl02$imgBtnGuardarCentro" id="Origen_ctl02_imgBtnGuardarCentro" title="Guardar" AutoPostBack="false" src="" onclick="return ASPxClientEdit.ValidateGroup();  msGuardar();"
      style="border-width:0px;" />
    <td class="campoOpcional">TEST</td>

Answer №2

Here is the code you need to use:

input should be placed inside the optionalField where the vertical-align property is required.

.optionalField input {
  vertical-align: middle;

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