Differences in typography across Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer

I have come across a question that seems quite common, yet unsolvable. However, I will give it a try anyway.

Take a look at this image:

To view a larger version of the image, visit the following URL: https://i.stack.imgur.com/dddNm.jpg

HTML code:

<div style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 60px; letter-spacing: 0px; padding: 0; margin: 0;">TEXT GOES HERE</div>

Upon inspection, you can notice that the font appears different. Is there a solution to this issue?

  • Internet Explorer version: 9.0.8112.1641 64-bit Edition
  • Mozilla Firefox version: 13.0

Any suggestions or thoughts?

Answer №1

To overcome the issue, consider converting it into an image.

The way text appears on screen can vary due to multiple factors such as installed fonts, operating systems, rendering settings, font smoothing, and other rendering parameters. Any slight change in these factors can result in different outcomes.

Upon close inspection of your image, you may notice that browsers apply varying font smoothing techniques along with other differing parameters.

Hence, it is unreasonable to expect identical text rendering across all web browsers.

Answer №2

FontDesigner.js is an innovative JavaScript tool for fine-tuning letter spacing in web typography. Your designs will never look the same!

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