Differences between Animation Easing in iOS and CSS3 Cubic Bezier Functions

I am currently working on an iOS app and I am trying to improve the animations within it.

Having a lot of experience with CSS3 animation and transitions, I want to be able to define my animations in iOS with the same precision that is possible with CSS3 (similar to what's shown here for CSS3: )

When I look at side-swipe menus like those on Facebook, YouTube, or Path, I notice that each one has its own unique opening animation. This level of customization is what I am aiming for in my app.

Where should I start to achieve this level of customization in iOS? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To customize your own timing function, you can set the control points as follows:

myAnimation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithControlPoints:x1 

This method functions similarly to the bezierBuilder mentioned in your query.

If Core Animation is new to you, I suggest diving into the Core Animation Programming Guide. It's a highly informative resource.

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