developing toggle switches using JSON

I am faced with a JSON containing two keys, "cars" and "others". How can I implement a toggling feature on my website using HTML/CSS/JavaScript such that:

  • Clicking on "cars" displays the car items (small vehicle, large vehicle) in red text.
  • Clicking on "others" hides the car items and displays the other items in blue text.

Please note: The toggle button or link should function properly for switching between the two options.

    "cars": {
        "items": ["small-vehicle", "large-vehicle"],
        "color": "red"
    "others": {
        "items": ["swimming pool", "plane", "ship"],
        "color": "blue"

Answer №1

Below is the code to help you get started.

Upon clicking the appropriate button, it will alert() and display the color of each item.

Now it's your turn to properly figure this out and make it work according to your preferences.

I've included a select list for you to try as well. Run the code and see how it works.

let items = {
"cars": {
"items": ["small-vehicle","large-vehicle"],
"color": "red"

"others": {
"items": ["swimming pool","plane","ship",],
"color": "blue"

function showMeCarColor(){

function showMeOtherColor(){

function doThing(){
  let selectedItem = document.querySelector("#itemList").value;
  switch (selectedItem){
    case "car":{
      alert(`car is : ${}`);
    case "other":{
       alert(`other is : ${items.others.color}`);
<button onclick="showMeCarColor()">Cars</button>
<button onclick="showMeOtherColor()">Other</button>

<select id="itemList" onInput="doThing()">
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="car">Car</option>
  <option value="other">Other</option>  

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