Developing an animated feature that displays a dynamic count up to the current size of the browser window

I have a script that's able to determine the height and width of my browser window. However, I am facing a challenge in creating a way for these dimensions to count up from zero to their current values upon loading. The desired functionality would be similar to what is shown here:, but with the target numbers being the aforementioned dimensions. Is there a more concise way to achieve this than what is presented in the jsfiddle?




body {text-align: center;}

div {border: 2px solid #000; display: inline-block; padding: 5px 20px; vertical-align: middle;}

span:first-of-type:after {content: "|"; margin: 0 10px;}


$(document).ready(function (e) {

$(window).resize(function (e) {

function showViewportSize() {
    var the_width = $(window).width();
    var the_height = $(window).height();

Answer №1

Check out this new JSFIDDLE.

Javascript Code

$('#begin').on('click', function(){

  var windowHeight = $(window).height();
  var windowWidth = $(window).width();
  $('.newdiv').html('Height: ' + 
                         windowHeight + 
                         ', Width: ' + 

  var initialWidth = 0;
  var finalWidth = windowWidth;
  var initialHeight = 0;
  var finalHeight = windowHeight; 
  var timerA;
  var timerB;


function timerOne()
   initialWidth = initialWidth + 1;
   timerA = setTimeout(function(){timerOne()}, 20);
   if (initialWidth == finalWidth)
       initialWidth = finalWidth;

function timerTwo()
   initialHeight = initialHeight + 1;
   timerB = setTimeout(function(){timerTwo()}, 20);
   if (initialHeight == finalHeight)
       initialHeight = finalHeight;


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