Develop a segmented control-style component with a draggable feature

In my project, I have set up 2 divs that are positioned alongside each other, with a background div referred to as the "bg div". Upon selecting one of the divs, the bg div transitions on top of the selected one, creating a segmented controller effect.

Now, my next objective is to make the bg div draggable. If it is dragged but not all the way to either side, it should snap to the side where it is mostly positioned.

I am aiming for functionality similar to this:

However, when I tried to implement the draggable feature (using JQuery UI) and set z-index to -1, the div stopped being draggable. It also didn't snap to the sides efficiently unless dragged completely. Additionally, there was an odd delay in dragging due to the transition effect.


  • How can I enable draggability with z-index set to -1?
  • How can I ensure the div snaps accurately to the dominant side?
  • How can I avoid the weird dragging behavior caused by the transition?

Links to demos: JSFiddle without issues JSFiddle with issues

    axis: "x",
    containment: "parent",
    snap: ".labels"
#radios {
    position: relative;
    width: 370px;
input {
    display: none;
.labels {
    width: 50%;
    height: 30px;
    text-align: center;
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    padding-top: 10px;
    cursor: pointer;
.labels {
    outline: 1px solid green;
#bckgrnd {
    background-color: orange;
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    transition: left linear 0.3s;
#rad1:checked ~ #bckgrnd {
    left: 0;
#rad2:checked ~ #bckgrnd {
    left: 50%;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="radios">
  <input id="rad1" type="radio" name="radioBtn" checked>
  <label class="labels" for="rad1">First Option</label>
  <input id="rad2" type="radio" name="radioBtn">
  <label class="labels" for="rad2">Second Option</label>
  <div id="bckgrnd"></div>

Answer №1

Here is a solution that might help: (Give it a try!)

Is there a way to make it draggable with an index of -1?

  • To achieve this, you can add two elements - one for the label with 'pointer-events:none;' to ignore mouse events and 'z-index:3', and another for the button with 'z-index:1'. This setup allows the label to float above all elements with z-index:3 while still making the background draggable.

How can I make it snap to the side where the bg div is mostly positioned?

  • You can easily calculate this by using the 'offset' and 'width' functions as shown below:

    // Calculating the middle of the 'background'
    var backgroundX = $('#bckgrnd').offset().left;
    var backgroundWidth = $('#bckgrnd').outerWidth();
    var backgroundMiddle = backgroundX + (backgroundWidth/2);
    // Calculating the middle of the radios on the page
    var radiosX = $('#radios').offset().left;
    var radiosWidth = $('#radios').outerWidth();
    var radiosMiddle = radiosX + (radiosWidth/2);
    // Compare the two to determine which side is closer
    if(radiosMiddle > backgroundMiddle){
        // Closer to the left
       // Closer to the right

Can it transition smoothly without any glitches?

  • You can utilize jQuery's 'animate' function instead of mixing CSS and JS animations to achieve a smooth transition effect.

Answer №2

To make an element draggable with index -1, a container div can be used to trap mouse events (perhaps for radios). When the mouse is clicked, the x value is recorded. During mouse movement (while the button is held down), the "delta" between the current mouse x and the initial x value is calculated and added to the original x position of the dragged element.

For snapping behavior, the min/max functions are utilized to restrict the delta. It seems like there may also be some animation involved in the snapping process. If the mouse is released within a specific range at either end, an animation is triggered to snap the element to one side or the other.

In addition, clicking within certain boundaries close to the edge will also trigger the snapping animation.

Answer №3

I could have potentially achieved this using radio elements within an <input> tag...
However, upon submission, the value of data-* can be sent.

Here is my approach:

  var io = $(this).data("io"),
      $opts = $(this).find(".io-options"),
      $clon = $opts.clone(),
      $span = $clon.find("span"),
      width = $opts.width()/2;
  function swap(x) {
    $clon.stop().animate({left:  x}, 150);
    $span.stop().animate({left: -x}, 150);
    $(this).data("io", x===0 ? 0 : 1);
    drag:function(evt, ui){
      $span.css({left: -ui.position.left});
    stop:function(evt, ui){
      swap( ui.position.left < width/2 ? 0 : width );
  $opts.on("click", function(){
    swap( $clon.position().left>0 ? 0 : width );
  // Read and set initial predefined data-io
  // on submit read $(".io-toggler").data("io") value
  font:20px/1.5 sans-serif;
  border:4px solid transparent;
  border-radius: 50px;
.io-options span{
  padding: 3px 35px;

/* the jQ clone */
.io-options + .io-options{
.io-options + .io-options span{
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<span class="io-toggler" data-io="0">
  <span class="io-options">


<span class="io-toggler" data-io="1">
  <span class="io-options">

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