Issues with Bootstrap's center-block functionality

I'm having trouble centering the navigation in my WordPress template that uses Bootstrap. I've tried using the center-block class on different elements, but the menu items are still aligning to the left. I even created a custom class in my custom.css file to mimic center-block, but it didn't work.

I've inspected each element to find out why they're not centering properly, but I can't figure it out. Where should I be adding the centering code? Here's the original PHP and HTML code:

<nav class="site-navigation" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <nav class="container primary">
                <?php wp_nav_menu(  
                        'menu'              => 'Primary Navigation',
                        'container'         => 'div',
                        'container_class'   => 'col-sm-12 primary'  
                ); ?> 
    </div><!-- .container -->
</nav><!-- .site-navigation -->

Answer №1

If you give this a shot:

<header class="navbar navbar-default container primary">

You might want to check if you're utilizing all the necessary default navbar elements, as it could be why it's not aligning properly. Hopefully, this advice proves useful.

Answer №2

give this a shot....

<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="content">
      <div class="middle-align" style="width:250px;background-color:#999;">...</div>

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