Determining the aspect ratio of an image is essential in using flexbox to achieve consistent heights

Recently, I came across a fascinating code pen titled: this demonstration of equal responsive height images

I am determined to make sure that all images have the same height, regardless of their width/height variances. The CSS displayed below utilizes flexbox with flex to attain this result:

/* Crucial details for this particular demo. */

img {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;
  vertical-align: middle;

.pics_in_a_row {
  display: flex;

.img1 { flex: 1.3344; } /*  <-- how do I determine this value? */
.img2 { flex: 1.3345; }
.img3 { flex: 0.7505; }
.img4 { flex: 1.5023; }
.img5 { flex: 0.75; }

I am puzzled about calculating the flex value. Is it related to aspect ratio?

Answer №1

The ratio of width to height for the image is referred to as the aspect ratio.

For example, if an image is 600 pixels wide and 800 pixels high, the aspect ratio would be calculated as 600/800=0.75

Understanding this concept allows you to select one of the methods outlined in the article that was mentioned:

When using CSS, there are several ways to define the aspect ratio:

  • Determine the aspect ratio manually and input it directly into the CSS code (as shown in this example)
  • Utilize CSS's calc() function to compute the aspect ratio (e.g. flex: calc(600/800);)
  • Employ a preprocessor to calculate the aspect ratio during the build process

Answer №2

Dealing with this issue myself was a bit of a challenge. You can determine the image ratio by dividing its width and height. If you're not using JavaScript, simply grab your calculator and divide the image width by its height. However, if you are using JavaScript, to find the flex value, you'll need to divide the image's width by its height, like so:

const imageRatio = img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;

When obtaining the value, make use of the naturalWidth and naturalHeight properties that provide the original image size. Initially, I only used height and width; however, these values may be incorrect in certain cases (such as during image loading).

In my case, I opted to calculate the column widths using JavaScript instead of the flex property since it doesn't function properly when text is present within the column. This made the calculations more intricate. You have to calculate the ratio of all images, sum them up to get the total ratio, and then divide the individual image ratios by this overall ratio to obtain the percentage.

Here's some sample pseudocode:

const getFullRatio = (images) => images.reduce((acc, curr) => (curr.naturalWidth / curr.naturalHeight) + acc, 0);

const containerWidth = 740;
const columnAmount = images.length;
const columnMargin = 15;
const marginPercentageToAdd = ((columnAmount * columnMargin) / containerWidth) + 1;
const fullRatio = getFullRatio(images);
const fullRatioWithMargins = fullRatio * marginPercentageToAdd;

 images.forEach((img) => {
    const imageRatio = img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
    const columnRatio = (imageRatio / fullRatioWithMargins) * 100;

    const imageParentDiv = img.closest('.COLUMNCLASS'); = `${columnRatio}%`;
    const image = img; = '100%';

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