Determine the starting position of a div's CSS bottom using jQuery before the hover animation begins

Currently, I am in search of the CSS value 'bottom' for each div that belongs to the 'shelf-info-text' class. These particular divs can be found inside a parent div called 'shelf-item'.

The bottom value is determined automatically with the help of another function. My goal is to have the 'bottom' value change to 0px on hover through an animation, and then return to its original position. Keep in mind that the bottom value will vary for each individual div.

I have implemented some code to locate the bottom value, but when hovering again during the animation, it retrieves the bottom value prematurely before returning to its initial state, causing the animation to break.

If possible, please provide guidance on where I may have made mistakes in my approach. Thank you.

var $itemBottom = null;
$('.shelf-item').hover(function() {
    $itemBottom = $(this).find('.shelf-info-text').css('bottom');
    $(this).find('.shelf-info-text').stop().animate({ 'bottom': '0px'}, 300);
}, function() {
    $(this).find('.shelf-info-text').stop().animate({ 'bottom': $itemBottom}, 300);

Answer №1

Update: I've gone back over the question and found a solution to grab the bottom value and store it in a data attribute.

// Loop through each shelf item and set a data attribute to track the bottom value.
    $item = $(this).find('.shelf-info-text');
    $itemBottom = $item.css('bottom');
    $'bottom', $itemBottom);

// Add hover functionality to shelf items.
$('.shelf-item').hover(function() {
    $itemBottom = $(this).find('.shelf-info-text').data('bottom');
    $(this).find('.shelf-info-text').stop().animate({ 'bottom': '0px'}, 300);
}, function() {
    $(this).find('.shelf-info-text').stop().animate({ 'bottom': $itemBottom}, 300);

Answer №2

Unfortunately, I arrived late to the gathering (I blame my distraction with creating this fiddle). My strategy mirrors @Patsy's, but instead of utilizing the .each() loop to establish the data-bottom, I simply set it if it is not already present:

var $el = null;
$('.shelf-item').hover(function() {
    $el = $(this).find('.shelf-info-text');
    $'bottom',($'bottom') || $el.css('bottom'))).stop().animate({ 'bottom': '0px'}, 300);
}, function() {
    $el = $(this).find('.shelf-info-text');
    $el.stop().animate({ 'bottom': $'bottom')}, 300);

Answer №3

One approach could be to save the initial bottom value using This way, your function can verify if the value is already stored and thus prevent recalculating the bottom during the animation process.

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