Designing Interactive Interfaces using React Components for Dynamic Forms

Is there a way to implement dynamic forms using React Components?

For instance, I have a form displayed in the image below:

  1. How do I structure this as a React component?
  2. How can I incorporate interactivity into this component? For example, when the "+ Add" button is clicked, it should generate another blank textbox and position it directly beneath the previously rendered textboxes (as illustrated in the image).

Could someone assist me with the code for the Form provided in the link below?

Answer №1

Upon reviewing the tags, I notice the presence of redux, which leads me to recommend utilizing redux-form. For reference, you can explore an informative example showcasing dynamic forms implemented with redux-form.

Answer №2

The key distinction lies in addressing not only the state of form values, but also managing the state of form shape/structure.

If you display the inputs by traversing a state object that represents the form's structure, adding a new input becomes simply adding a new entry to this state object. Manipulating this state object allows for easy addition or removal of input fields on the form. For instance, you could create something similar to this (in pseudo React code):

// Define state for math and algorithms inputs
const state = { math: [obj1, obj2], algorithms: [obj1, obj2] } // obj ~= {id, value}
// Render math inputs
const mathMarkup = => <input value={obj.value} onChange={...} />)
// Add handler for math field
const addMath = () => setState(prevState => ({ math: [...prevState.math, newObj]}))

Here is an example of such a form - codesandbox. It may not be an exact match to what you see on your screen, but the concept should be clear. I've only implemented the first two sections due to unclear requirements on your form so you can understand the approach. And there are no styles :shrug:

Additionally, you can separate out the renderXyz methods into individual components and refine the state structure according to your specific needs.

Answer №3

Let me guide you through a simplified process

import React , {Component} from 'react'
import { connect }from 'react-redux'

class main extends Component{
                <Algorithms />
const mapStateToProps = ({}) => {
export default connect (mapStateToProps,{})(main)

class BaselineMath extends Component{
            return <input placeholder="etc..."/>
        let rows = this.state.rows
                <Button onClick={this.onClickAdd.bind(this)}>ADD row</Button>

export default (BaselineMath)

class Algorithms extends Component{
            return <input placeholder="etc..."/>
        let rows = this.state.rows
                <Button onClick={this.onClickAdd.bind(this)}>ADD row</Button>

export default (Algorithms)

You have the freedom to implement any algorithm of your choice

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