Designing CSS elements that flow from top to bottom, left to right, and extend to the right when overflowing

I'm attempting to create a layout where divs are displayed from top to bottom, but once they reach the bottom of the browser window, any additional divs will overflow to the right. You can take a look at the desired layout here:

So far, I've experimented with various combinations of CSS and JavaScript including properties like white-space:nowrap, display: inline, display: table, float:left, among others, but have yet to achieve the layout as depicted in the diagram.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, apply float: right to each of the div elements.

For a visual demonstration, check out this fiddle: (adjust the pane size to observe the effect).

Another useful fiddle showcasing column creation can be accessed here:

This approach utilizes jQuery:

var maxHeight = $('.overflow').height();
var floatHeight = $('.float').height();
var amountOfFloat = $('.float').length;

if(floatHeight * amountOfFloat > maxHeight){
    var minPer = Math.floor(maxHeight / floatHeight);
    var overflow = $('.overflow');
    $('.float').each(function(index, item){
        console.log(item, index);
        if(index%minPer == 0 && index != 0){
            overflow = $('<div>', {class: 'overflow'});

Answer №3

Although not fully supported yet, CSS3 does offer multi-column layouts for websites.

For more information, visit

Answer №4

What do you think of this suggestion?

It might not function exactly as desired, but it's very close to the expected behavior.

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