Design featuring a fixed top row and a scrollable bottom row

I need to divide a div container into two vertical sections, one occupying 60% of the space and the other 40%.

The top div (60%) should always be visible, while the bottom div (40%) should be scrollable if it exceeds its limit.

I have tried different approaches, including the algorithm in this post, but I am still unable to achieve the desired outcome.

For reference, I will provide an illustration:

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, you can utilize the absolute positioning method for each section and adjust their placement using the top and bottom properties accordingly.

In this scenario, the upper section remains fixed at the top of the page with the CSS rule top: 0;. Meanwhile, the top property value of the #bottom element is specified as 60%, which corresponds to the height of the #top element. Consequently, setting top: 60%; ensures that the #bottom segment sits below the #top portion.

For scroll functionality within the #bottom area, you have the option of incorporating the overflow-y or overflow property with a value of auto.

11.1. The ‘overflow’, ‘overflow-x’ and ‘overflow-y’ properties

The purpose of these properties is to determine whether content gets clipped when it extends beyond the boundaries of the element's content area. While overflow-x deals with clipping on the left and right sides, overflow-y addresses overflow issues at the top and bottom edges. A shorthand representation of both properties combined is denoted by the overflow attribute. If only one keyword is provided, it applies to both overflow-x and overflow-y.

auto The precise behavior of the ‘auto’ value depends on the User Agent (UA), but generally prompts the implementation of a scrolling mechanism for overflowing containers.


#top {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  height: 60%;
  width: 100%;

#bottom {
  position: absolute;
  top: 60%;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  overflow-y: auto;

Answer №2

To demonstrate how your HTML should look, consider the following example:

<div class="ColumnContainer">
    <div class="FixedItem">
    <div class="ScrollContainer">
        <div class="ScrollContent">
                <li>item 1</li>
                <li>item 2</li>
                <li>item 3</li>

The main point to note is the CSS styling:

.ColumnContainer {

.ScrollContainer {
    height:200px; /* must set fixed height */

By assigning a fixed height to the container and having all content within a single child element, scrolling will be triggered when it exceeds the specified height.

Check out this jsFiddle for an illustration.

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