There is an irritating 5px gap between the divs in the Avada WordPress theme. While using margin-top: -5px helps to reduce this spacing, padding-top: -5

Struggling to remove a persistent 5px whitespace on my website

See the issue highlighted in this screenshot:

Trying to eliminate the whitespace by adjusting margins in Google Chrome, but unable to apply styles to Avada shortcodes:

<p style="text-align: center; margin-top: -10px; font-size: 19px !important; line-height: 42px !important; color: #FFE396!important; font-family: 'MuseoSlab500Regular', Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;"><strong>That's my opinion. I am Dr George Lundberg, at large at The Eternal Minerals of Life.</strong></p>
[fullwidth backgroundcolor="#140100" backgroundimage="" backgroundrepeat="no-repeat" backgroundposition="top left" backgroundattachment="fixed" bordersize="0px" bordercolor="#e5e4e4" paddingTop="-5px" paddingBottom="0px"]
[ajax_load_more post_type="testimonials-widget" posts_per_page="5" pause="true" transition="fade" button_label="Click to show testimonials from real physicians"]

Tried adjusting paddingTop="-5px", but it didn't work. Seeking suggestions to resolve this issue. Will update with any progress made. Thank you!

Answer №1

The reason behind this issue is due to the fact that each element has its own line-height specified. By adjusting the line-height of the body tag, you can eliminate this extra space. See the code snippet below:

body {
    line-height: 0.6;

If necessary, you can set an even lower value (<0.6) for the line-height of the body tag since each element has its own unique line-height.

Answer №2

After realizing that using the line-height method messed up all of the line-heights on the page, a simple tweak was discovered to solve the issue. By adding margin-bottom: -5px; to the canvas element, the same visual effect was achieved without disrupting other elements.

With this less invasive solution in place, I will be accepting my own answer as the definitive solution. Apologies to Masoom!

Here is the updated code:

<canvas id="matrix" style="margin-left:-20px;margin-bottom:-5px;"></canvas>

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