Design a universal web service indicator akin to an "activity indicator" that works seamlessly across all web browsers

My web service is quite database-heavy (using PHP and mySQL), resulting in the user being faced with a blank screen for several seconds.

When a user clicks a link on an HTML page, a javascript function is triggered, which then initiates an AJAX call to invoke a PHP script before returning.

I am interested in implementing an IOS-like Activity Indicator, maybe as a "subview," to provide the user with visual feedback that something is occurring.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Simply add the text "Loading..." to a section of the page that will be replaced or deleted by the AJAX callback.

However, the phrase "many seconds" seems exaggerated. Running a website with a large number of online users and constant server-side processes, I rarely experience page load times exceeding 0.2 seconds...

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