Delayed response of text effects in JQuery on page load

Within my rails app, I have the following code snippet:

window.onload = ->

This code snippet interacts with the following block of content:

<blockquote class="pull-left">
       <p id="mycontainer">A mathematician, scientist, and engineer are each asked: "Suppose we define a horse's tail to be a leg. How many legs does a horse have?" The mathematician answers "5"; the scientist "1"; and the engineer says "But you can't do that! </p>
       <small id="author">Emmanuel Mensah </small>

Upon analyzing the window.onload function present in the code snippet, I understand that it triggers the jquery functionality right after the page finishes loading. However, I noticed that upon initial load, there is a brief moment where the entire text is visible before the typewriting effect (text appearing key by key) takes place. I am seeking guidance on how to ensure that the text remains hidden until the jquery script activates it.

I attempted to apply CSS styling using display:none to the <p> tag, but this adjustment did not yield the desired outcome. Any assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To experience the desired visual effect, it is essential to initially conceal them.

window.onload = ->

Answer №2

Instead of using body onload, you could try this approach.

  <blockquote class="pull-left">
    <p id="mycontainer" style="display:none;">A mathematician, scientist, and engineer are each asked: "Suppose we define a horse's tail to be a leg. How many legs does a horse have?" The mathematician answers "5"; the scientist "1"; and the engineer says "But you can't do that! </p>
    <small id="author">Emmanuel Mensah </small>

function myfunction() {

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