Create a button toggle feature to dynamically display data for a specific record within an ng-repeat loop

Currently, I am facing an issue while implementing a start and stop timer in JavaScript for a list of records. To display all the items, I am using ng-repeat. Each repeated element has a Start/Stop toggle button. The problem arises when there are 4 records - if I click on the start timer button for the 4th record, then the button for the first record also changes to Stop. No matter which button I click, it always toggles the first record's button.

Below is the HTML code snippet:

<ul class="list-group" data-ng-repeat="job in 
<li class="list-group-item">{{job.title}} Hours : {{job.hours}}
<input type="button" name="btn" id='btn' value="Start" data-ng-
click="startTimeTracker(job)" onclick="to_start()";> </li>

And here is the script code:

<script language=javascript>
var h=0;
var m=0;
var s=0;

function to_start(){
        case 'Stop':
            window.clearInterval(tm); // Stop the timer
        case 'Start':
            tm = window.setInterval('disp()', 1000);

function disp(){
    // Format the output by adding 0 if it is single digit //
    if(s < 10){var s1='0' + s;}
    else{var s1=s;}
    if(m < 10){var m1='0' + m;}
    else{var m1=m;}
    if(h < 10){var h1='0' + h;}
    else{var h1=h;}
    // Display the output //
    var str = h1 + ':' + m1 +':' + s1 ;
    // Calculate the stopwatch //
    if(s < 59){ 
        s = s + 1;
    } else {
        s = 0;
        m = m + 1;
        if(m == 60){
            m = 0;
            h = h + 1;
        } // end if  m == 60
    }// end if else s < 59
    // end of calculation for next display

I want to change the button only for the clicked record row, not for the first record. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

Answer №1

You are accessing the first instance of btn. Instead of using getElementById, try utilizing Here is an example:


function to_start(event) {
  switch( {
    case 'Stop':
      window.clearInterval(tm); // stop the timer'Start';
    case 'Start':

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