Decrease the padding value inherited from CSS while reducing the numerical value

One of the challenges I am facing is with a class that is added to different sections of a website to indicate that they are editable. This class is called .editable.

Currently, when a user is logged in and hovers over an editable section, a red dashed border appears around it.

The current implementation looks like this:

.editable { /* add padding to act as clear border */
.editable:hover { /* remove padding and add border */
    border:1px dashed red 

To prevent the section from shifting when the border shows on hover, I add a 1px padding.

The issue arises when a section that needs to be edited already has padding applied, for example:

.sectionToBeEdited {

When I apply the .editable class like

<div class="sectionToBeEdited editable">blah</div>
, the padding gets overridden.

QUESTION: Is there a way to inherit the padding setting and then add 1px to it? And then reduce the padding by 1px on hover?

I am aware that another approach would be to wrap the editable sections in separate divs and apply padding there, but that would require rewriting and adding many classes and divs.

Are there any other solutions to this problem?

Answer №1

CSS lacks the capability to perform mathematical operations; it only has the ability to override existing values.

To address your issue, consider using a white or transparent border for elements with the editable class instead of relying on padding.

.editable { /* set border color to an unseen shade */
    border: 1px solid white;
.editable:hover { /* display border when hovered over */
    border: 1px dashed red;

Answer №2

Depending on browser compatibility, there are several options you can consider:

  1. Opt for a transparent border and switch to red upon hover.
  2. Utilize an outline instead of the border with outline: 1px dashed red;, maintaining the box size.
  3. Include
    margin: -1px; border: 1px dashed red;
    during hover to stretch the box by 1px on all sides.

Answer №3

This is the style I decided to use:

.selectable { 
    outline: 2px dotted rgba(0, 255, 0, 0);
.selectable:hover { 
    outline: 2px dotted rgba(0, 255, 0, 1);

Changing the opacity of the outline when hovered over

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