Customizing the background color in TurnJSIncorporating

Recently, I encountered a problem that has left me puzzled. Despite searching online for help, I have not been able to find a solution. The issue lies with the basic code provided on the official page of the TurnJS script.

<div id="flipbook">
<div class="hard"> Turn.js </div>
<div class="hard"></div>
<div> Page 1 </div>
<div> Page 2 </div>
<div> Page 3 </div>
<div> Page 4 </div>
<div class="hard"></div>
<div class="hard"></div>

Although the code functions properly, there is an issue with the transparency of the background causing text overlap and making it difficult to read.

My attempt to resolve this by adding

#flipbook div{
    background: white;

has somehow caused further issues, such as skewed pages when hovered over. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a demo using JSFiddle due to restrictions on linking unsecured HTTP URLs. The distorted page can be seen in the image linked below. Does anyone know how to add a bg-colorto the flipbook? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To enhance the visual appeal of your pages, you have the option to include an additional class that defines a background color:

<div id="flipbook">
<div class="hard"> Turn.js </div>
<div class="hard"></div>
<div class="pageStyle"> Page 1 </div>
<div class="pageStyle"> Page 2 </div>
<div class="pageStyle"> Page 3 </div>

Alternatively, you can specify all styling properties within that class. Another approach is loading background images for individual pages, commonly used in creating magazine layouts with TurnJS for easier automation. Although I recently revisited their documentation seeking this information (I've successfully implemented it in the past), I didn't find extensive details on this topic.

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