This issue appears to be primarily related to CSS styling.
The example provided in the Material-UI documentation successfully avoids this problem by aligning the table pagination to the right. By ensuring that the arrows have a consistent width and there is no content to their right, aligning the pagination to the right prevents any unexpected movement.
In your specific case, you inadvertently overrode the spacer element responsible for achieving this proper alignment on the "right".
The pagination component utilizes display: flex
with the default horizontal direction setting. The first element, known as the "spacer," is an empty element with a default flex-grow
value of 1, essentially expanding into any available extra space at a regular pace. This "spacer" effectively fills and pushes the other elements to the right within the footer.
You modified the spacer's flex-grow
property to 0, resulting in the pagination components aligning to the left. As a result, the positioning of the pagination arrows now depends on the widths of preceding components, potentially causing variations based on the page.
(Note: A similar effect could have been achieved by setting the flex container to justify-content: flex-end
If you intend to maintain the pagination on the left side while preventing adjustments to the positions of items on its right, you will need to assign fixed widths to those items. For example:
const StyledTablePagination = withStyles((theme) => ({
spacer: {
flex: "0 1 0%"
caption: {
width: "75px"