Customize YouTube iframe styles in Angular 4+ with TypeScript

Has anyone been successful in overriding the style of an embedded YouTube iframe using Angular 4+ with TypeScript?

I've attempted to override a CSS class of the embed iframe, but have not had any luck.

Here is the URL to YouTube's stylesheet:

The specific class I am trying to override on my website is:

  background-size: 100%; //instead for background-size: cover;

I am attempting this because the thumbnail overlay image does not resize properly on mobile view.

**** Update ****: For instance:

  1. Visit this site:
  2. Scroll down to the YouTube video under Community Q&A, right click/inspect element anywhere outside of the video.
  3. Click on the video thumbnail by using "Pick an element from the page" tool (top left corner of dev tools).
  4. You will see the contents inside the iframe tag and the div with the class ".ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay-image" with the background-size: cover; attribute.
  5. Select mobile view (next to Pick an element from the page) or resize the browser to make it mobile size.
  6. In my case, the thumbnail won't resize properly and gets cut off on both sides, with mobile view, so my solution was to change "background-size: cover to 100% !important;", but I could only do this via browser dev tools, not in the source code with CSS. Hence, the question about another approach using TypeScript.

== EDIT ==: I have created a small project for this issue, where the link tag seems to be added to the iframe, but has no effect. Also, check out the console area.

Online code link:

Thank you for all the suggestions and assistance. I will share my solution if I find one, hoping it helps others facing the same issue. Thanks!

P.S.: This is my first post, apologies if anything is unclear or missing.

Answer №1

If you haven't tested it yet, but if all the content is within your DOM, you can simply edit it with CSS. Open up Chrome (or any browser) inspector and try to change the classes you want. If that works, just add the CSS with the !important tag because YouTube's CSS may override anything else in your DOM. Therefore, using !important is recommended.

<iframe id="youtube_frame">

#youtube_frame .ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay-image{
  background-size: 100% !important;

Note: Remember that by setting it as 100%, the top-level element or any above it must have a fixed size... try setting a fixed background-size as 400px just to test if it works

EDIT: It might be a good idea to wait for the DOM to load the iframe before attempting to manipulate the element with CSS. I have tested the code below, but keep in mind that this is a quick solution and you should monitor the iframe to ensure it is fully loaded before adding your class

setTimeout(() => {
  let yt = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay-image')[0];
  yt.setAttribute("style", "background-size: 0");
}, 3000)

Answer №2

If your code is structured like this:

<link href="./my.css" rel="stylesheet" />


<iframe src="..."></iframe>

It's important to note that if you have defined a class in "my.css", it may not work as expected when applied to the iframe since the iframe loads another page within the current one. This means that the loaded page will only use the CSS referenced within its own content. To override the CSS of the loaded page, you'll need to insert your styles directly into the page being loaded by the iframe. More information on how to do this can be found here.

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