Answer №1

To obtain the pure CSS rules, you can inspect the button element and review the entries labeled "user agent stylesheet".

When viewed in Chrome 9, these rules appear as follows:

input, textarea, keygen, select, button, isindex, datagrid {
margin: 0em;
font: -webkit-small-control;
color: initial;
letter-spacing: normal;
word-spacing: normal;
....... and so on

However, if you are seeking the specific rules for natively rendering a button in order to replicate it in other browsers, it may be impossible: The default appearance of a button is determined by the browser's UI or even the underlying operating system. For example, in my Windows 7 environment, the default button has a distinct style.

This particular style, to the best of my knowledge, cannot be replicated solely through CSS rules. It would require elements such as background images, borders, rounded corners, etc. If using jQuery is an option, libraries like jQuery UI offer simple solutions for achieving this look.

Answer №2

Do you desire to see them visually? In that case, examine the element and review the computed styles.

Answer №3

The appearance in the latest version of Chrome on a Mac computer resembles the following:

background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e4e4e4, #f7f7f7);
border: 1px solid #afafaf;

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