What is the best way to include a CSS stylesheet in a Wordpress theme?

Is there a way for me to properly load my custom CSS in Wordpress so that the dynamically inputted content on my pages matches the styling of my header and footer?

In my functions.php file, I currently have the following code, but it only prints the code at the top of my theme template in HTML without applying the styles:

function custom_style() {
    if ( is_page_template( 'templates/home.php' ) ) {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'home', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/styles.css' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_style' );

I am trying to figure out how to ensure that each page displays with the same CSS as the header and footer. Can anyone provide guidance on what steps I need to take?

Answer №1

In the event that this issue occurred to me, my initial step would be to clear the browser cache - have you attempted this yet?

Upon reviewing your functions.php file, it appears to be syntactically correct. If you wish for your style to be applied universally across all pages or set as the default, there is no need for:

if (is_page_template(...)

This is unless every single one of your pages utilizes your home.php template.

If this serves as the primary stylesheet for your theme, it should be placed in the root directory along with a header specifying these essential points. Subsequently, it can be referenced in the following manner:

function my_style(){
    wp_enqueue_style( 'style-name', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() );

Answer №2

To ensure a css file is included between the <head> tags, one effective method is to create a css folder within your theme directory, save your .css file there, and then, in your functions.php file, simply add the following line of code:

wp_enqueue_style('unique-name', 'full-path-to-stylesheet', array('dependencies'), 'version-number', 'media-type');

Where: Unique Name: a distinctive identifier for the stylesheet, Full Path to Stylesheet: the complete path to your stylesheet, Dependencies: any other files this one depends on, Version Number: the version number of the stylesheet, Media Type: where the styles will be applied (e.g., screen, print, etc)

For more information, refer to the official documentation at: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_enqueue_style/

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