Customize the appearance of the submit button by using CSS to replace

Currently, I am working on a CSS userstyle project. The issue that I am facing is the inability to make modifications to images in buttons coded within the html of a web page:

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"><img alt="Ico-plus" src="//"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" style="display:none;"></i></button>

The closest solution I found using CSS was changing the background of the actual button element through this code:

.subscribe-button-container .subscribe .dropdown-menu li form .control-group button{background-image:url("");}
, rather than altering the image inside it. Is there a way to achieve what I intend to do, or are these images fixed within the HTML?

I have gone through the following resources: How to change an input button image using CSS?

Adding an image to submit button using CSS

Submit Button Image

All these references assume that I can edit the html code directly, whereas my only option is to override the css styles.

Answer №1

In the realm of web development, it is important to understand that CSS cannot alter the underlying structure of HTML; instead, it only has the ability to change the appearance of HTML elements. For example, when it comes to an image specified within an <img> tag in HTML, the actual source URL cannot be modified using CSS.

However, there are still ways in which you can manipulate the visual presentation of elements:

  1. Conceal the image by using CSS properties such as display: none or opacity: 0
  2. Assign a background image to a particular element, providing an alternative visual representation

Answer №2

Consider utilizing a pseudo element as a placeholder for an image tag.

This method offers more versatility in terms of styling the element, allowing for options that would not be achievable with traditional background images.

Think of the :pseudo-element here as a substitute for the hidden img element, serving as an artificial representation in your design.

.btn img {
    display: none;

.btn:before {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    background: url(;
    max-width: 18px;
    max-height: 18px;
    width: 18px;
    height: 18px;
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"><img alt="Ico-plus" src="//"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" style="display:none;"></i></button>


::before generates a pseudo-element positioned before the first child of the matched element. It is commonly used for adding decorative elements using the content property and defaults to inline display.

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