Using inline styles for progress bars in React

Struggling to apply styling to the element labeled as "progress", I've tried multiple options but just can't seem to get it right.

Any assistance or clues would be greatly welcomed! Here is the code snippet for the component:

  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      arrIterator: 0,
      counter: 0,
      sets: props.ids.sets,
      exercises: props.program,
      ids: props.ids

    // Variable used to determine new round initiation --> Reset counter
    this.newRoundOn = ((this.state.exercises.length /this.state.sets) -1);

    // Calculates percentage for progress bar
    let barPercentage = ((this.state.arrIterator / this.state.exercises.length) * 100) +"%"; = {
      width: {barPercentage} 

  // Displays Progress Bar
  renderProgressBar() {
      <div className="card-panel" id="progression-panel">
      <div className="row">
          <h5 className="col s8">Progression</h5>
          <h5 className="col s4 right-align">{this.state.arrIterator +1} / {this.state.exercises.length}</h5>
      <div className="progress" style={style}>
          <div className="determinate"></div>

Answer №1

To update the progress bar, you need to adjust the state accordingly. Use the componentDidUpdate method to check for any property changes and then set a new value for barPercentage:

It is recommended to avoid passing props directly to state.

constructor() {
   this.state = {
     barPercentage: 0

componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
  // Determine when a new round begins -> Reset counter
  this.newRoundOn = ((this.props.exercises.length / this.props.sets) - 1);

  // Calculate percentage for progress bar
  let barPercentage = (this.props.arrIterator / this.props.exercises.length) * 100;

  if (this.props.arrIterator > prevProps.arrIterator) {
    this.setState({ barPercentage })

render() {
  return (
    // [...]
    <div className="progress" style={{ width: `${this.state.barPercentage}%` }}>
      <div className="determinate"></div>
    // [...]

Answer №2

  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      arrIterator: 0,
      counter: 0,
      sets: props.ids.sets,
      exercises: props.program,
      ids: props.ids

    // Determine when to start a new round and reset the counter
    this.newRoundOn = ((this.state.exercises.length / this.state.sets) - 1);

    // Calculate progress bar percentage
    let barPercentage = ((this.state.arrIterator / this.state.exercises.length) * 100) + "%"; = {
      width: {barPercentage} 

  // Render Progress Bar
  renderProgressBar() {
      <div className="card-panel" id="progresjon-panel">
      <div className="row">
          <h5 className="col s8">Progress</h5>
          <h5 className="col s4 right-align">{this.state.arrIterator + 1} / {this.state.exercises.length}</h5>
      <div className="progress" style={style}>
          <div className="determinate"></div>

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