Customize Joomla Module Styles

Here in the JhotelResrvation Module area, I've identified where the module files are located. However, I'm unable to make changes to the CSS despite trying custom CSS as well. My initial plan was to add padding to the dark-transparent box using code like the one below:

div.mod_hotel_reservation.horizontal {
    padding-left: 55px;

Unfortunately, this code does not seem to have any effect. You can view an image related to this issue below Experience Beautiful Ghana

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Answer №1

Unfortunately, the code you provided is not functioning properly due to the existing padding in the div:

.mod_hotel_reservation.horizontal {
    font-size: 15px !important;
    padding: 10px 0 !important; //this one

If you wish to apply padding-left: 55px;, you must first remove the padding: 10px 0 !important;.

In case your CSS modifications are not reflecting on the webpage, consider clearing the cache for the website. Simply press the F12 key to access developer tools while on your site. Then, right-click on the refresh button at the top left and select Empty cache and Hard reload.

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