Customize image position based on div width using jQuery and CSS

I am dealing with dynamic input sourced from a JSON feed that populates a div with different names of varying lengths.

Within this setup, there is an image positioned absolutely, and I need to adjust the CSS left value of the image dynamically based on the width of the incoming text, adding 10px for spacing.

var _origin_width = $('#dynamic_text').width() + $('#the_imae').width(); 

This adjustment is necessary to ensure that the text and image display side by side like this:

Dynamic Text | Image

However, I am encountering difficulties in getting this functionality to function as intended.

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

//calculate the width of the content plus 10 pixels
var dynamic_width = $('#dynamic_text').width() + 10 + 'px';
//apply the css styles
$('#the_imae').css('left', dynamic_width)

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