Currently, I am in need of a django CMS that enables me to construct custom pages using predefined components.
Each page will be comprised of custom "inpage" elements such as:
- image carousels
- image galleries
- richtext fields
- plain text fields
As the developer, my task is to create templates for each website page utilizing these components and assign a CSS file accordingly. For instance, one page layout could consist of:
- Plain text field (title)
- Plain text field (brief introduction)
- Richtext field (main content)
- Image gallery (select images with specific styling)
- Richtext field (additional information)
Another page might have a completely different structure. The fundamental concept is that each page will feature a predetermined unique design which cannot be altered by users within the CMS.
The chosen CMS should allow users to modify the content of individual components on specific pages. Therefore, the CMS must generate forms to update the content within each component (title, text, images).
The editable page content (form inputs) can be saved in either a database or files—either option is viable.
This approach is implemented to restrict users from modifying the designer's layout while ensuring the correct styles and content types are adhered to for every section of all pages.
Note: Having previously used Mezzanine for several years, it appears more feasible to develop this CMS from scratch rather than adapting Mezzanine for this purpose.
My queries include:
- Does a system like this currently exist?
- Is there a standardized term for this type of CMS?
I apologize for the broad inquiry, but I'm uncertain on how to locate such a solution (assuming it already exists—or something similar). Any guidance, feedback, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.