"Currently, there seems to be an issue with the alignment of the Input>Select Form Field placeholder

In the midst of constructing a form using Hubspot's built-in form developer, I encountered an issue with aligning the placeholder text within each field to the center. While this adjustment was successful for all the text input fields, it proved ineffective on the Select drop down when accessed from IOS mobile devices (specifically tested on Safari, Chrome, and Edge for IOS). Interestingly, the alignment appeared to function properly on Android devices.


Despite attempting various CSS techniques such as


I experimented with applying styling to elements including input, option, select[id="idstring]::placeholder, ::placeholder, ::-webkit-input-placeholder, :-ms-input-placeholder, input::-moz-placeholder, and several others.

The challenge remains unsolved as I struggle to achieve the desired center alignment for the placeholder text."

Answer №1

Have you tested your scenario using Safari Technology Preview? If the issue persists, please consider reporting it on bugs.webkit.org.

Providing a separate test case to demonstrate this bug on WebKit's bug tracker would greatly assist in solving the problem.

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