CSS3 family tree tutorial: Incorporating a wife into the design

I came across a fascinating tutorial about creating a family tree using CSS3 only. However, I'm struggling to understand how to depict a marriage.

To explain further: What the code currently accomplishes is this:

what i aim to include is this:

Although it may seem like a straightforward query, I find myself stuck at the moment

Answer №1

It seems that there has been a recent modification made to the initial code to accommodate husband and wife connections. Best wishes!

Answer №2

Upon reviewing the information provided:

"Please note that a revised version of this family tree is currently being developed to include partial IE support and the capability for multiple parents, making it a more functional solution for creating family trees."

It appears that the feature for 'multiple parents' is not yet available.

Answer №3

Have you considered grouping the husband and wife in the same list item (li) element and then using CSS to visually connect them? You could try something like this:

  .husband { float: left; }
  .wife { margin-left:10px; }
  .wife::before { 
    /* This is a pseudo CSS, make sure to adjust as needed */
    content: '';
    position: absolute; top: 0; right: 50%;
    border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
    width: 50%; height: 20px;

            <a class="husband" href="#">Grand Child</a>
            <a class="wife" href="#">Wife</a>
               <li><a href="#">Kid</a></li>
               <li><a href="#">Kid</a></li>

Answer №4

Here is the method I employed

  <a href="http://www.clarkeology.com/names/clarke/21/james">James CLARKE1779 - 1860</a>
  <div itemprop="spouse">
    <a href="http://www.clarkeology.com/names/cole/19/elizabeth">Elizabeth COLE 1794 - 1865</a>

In this setup, any <li> within the structure can repeat in a similar manner (though adding both children and parents to all may cause confusion... usually just add one or the other beyond the main individual in focus.

You can find a practical demonstration on with detailed css at /css/_tree.css, and the script used to interpret a GEDCOM file and generate the required html code at https://github.com/pauly/js-gedcom

I utilized itemprop instead of class above to integrate schema.org microformats into my project as well, although using class would serve the same purpose.

I was particularly impressed by the original css design I came across recently, and working on this has been quite enjoyable. Feel free to submit pull requests for my code!

Answer №5

What do you think of this idea?

            <a href="#">Grand Child</a>
            <a href="#">Wife</a>

I suggest wrapping the last grand-child into a ul element. This arrangement creates a line above the two elements, rather than in between them. However, it may not be possible with your current box model...

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