CSS styles are combined and included at the beginning of the index.html file

During the creation of a production version of my Angular 9.0.4 application, I noticed that the CSS is bundled and placed at the top of the dist/index.html file as shown below:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.6ea28d52542acb20a4c6.css"><!doctype html>
<html lang="en>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <base href="/">

This seems to be triggering a warning in Chrome:

Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html:

As a result, the stylesheet is not rendering correctly. It's worth noting that this issue occurs only when navigating to URLs with subfolders such as www.mydomain.com/product/1.

Is there a way to adjust the build configuration so that the stylesheet element is inserted after the <base href="/"> tag? This adjustment could potentially resolve the warning message.

Answer №1

Is there a way to relocate the import of the css file? I'm not sure, but you can prevent this error by disabling css extraction:

Try running yarn build with the flag --extractCss=false

Alternatively, you can also disable css extraction in your build configurations within angular.json file

 "build": {
  "configurations": {
    "yourBuildName": {
      "extractCss": false

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