CSS page header not appearing on all pages when printing from TryitEditor in Safari on iOS

Experimenting in W3's TryitEditor, I am currently using the following CSS:

p.hr {
  position: running(header)
@media print {
  .pagebreak { page-break-before: always; } 

  @page {
    @top-center {
      content: element(header);

There is also an HTML element:

<p class = 'hr' >Heading placeholder</p>

along with a basic script to trigger printing:


I believe I have followed the correct procedure, but when I attempt to print the page, the preview only displays my header on the first page. Is this issue related to my CSS, my implementation method, my iOS browser, or could it be that W3's HTML environment lacks support for @page settings? Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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