After carefully testing across all major browsers on a Mac with the latest updates, I couldn't find any issues like the ones you mentioned in your screenshot. Everything appears to be aligned perfectly and there were no abnormalities after multiple cache-cleared refreshes.
In Firefox, everything looks great even after several cache-free refreshes. The alignment is exactly as expected with no visible problems.
Similar to Firefox, Safari shows no signs of trouble. All elements are properly aligned without any strange floating occurrences. Multiple refreshes did not reveal any issues.
While I did encounter a slight issue in Chrome where elements shifted upwards, it was due to my ad-blocker interfering. Consider setting the ad div
to a position:absolute so that its removal won't impact the layout of the page. Since I couldn't replicate the reported problem, it might be helpful to identify specific conditions under which it occurs for further investigation.
If you're still encountering difficulties, pinpointing their browser setup and behavior could provide valuable insight into resolving this issue.