CSS GRID: The Default row and column gaps are automatically included

I'm trying to position the images side by side without any gaps using CSS Grid. However, I noticed that there is a default gap between the columns and rows.

Here is the code I used:

<div class="grid-container">
  <figure class="grid_item grid_item-1">
    <img class="grid_image" src="image-url" alt="">
  <figure class="grid_item grid_item-2">
    <img class="grid_image" src="image-url" alt="">
  <figure class="grid_item grid_item-3">
    <img class="grid_image" src="image-url" alt="">
  <figure class="grid_item grid_item-4">
    <img class="grid_image" src="image-url" alt="">
  <figure class="grid_item grid_item-5">
    <img class="grid_image" src="image-url" alt="">
  <figure class="grid_item grid_item-6">
    <img class="grid_image" src="image-url" alt="">



.grid-container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns : repeat(2,1fr);

.grid_image {

You can view my output on Codepen here: Codepen Output

Answer №1

There seems to be some extra space in your <figure>. This can be observed through inspection.

To remove this space, simply include the following CSS code:

figure {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

Answer №2

Could you kindly update the CSS properties as shown below:

figure img {
  display: block;

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