CSS - Ensuring the second line of text in ul/ol li does not extend further left than the first line

My website features several lists that have this format:

        > lorem

I am trying to style them like this:

        > lorem

If anyone can provide guidance on how to rephrase the question I am asking, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

When it comes to CSS attributes, the key one you'll want to focus on is list-style-position. Setting this attribute to "outside" can make a big difference - http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/generate.html#list-style

The explanations provided by w3 can be a bit confusing, but essentially setting list-style-position to "inside" places the marker as the first inline item in the content.

You can see a helpful example of the differences between inside and outside settings here: http://jsfiddle.net/chrisvenus/uQNPk/2/.

In general, "outside" is usually the default setting. If you're experiencing issues, it could be due to another stylesheet overriding this setting or using a reset stylesheet with different defaults than desired.

To resolve this, try adding the following code snippet to your stylesheet:

ul, ol
        list-style-position: outside;

You may also need to adjust the left margin to ensure your bullets are positioned correctly.

Answer №2

Change it to display as a block, add padding, and insert using the :before pseudo-element!

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