I have attached a screenshot of a webpage that requires optimization for different screen sizes. Specifically, I am looking to adjust the CSS code for the horizontal bar above the navigation with logos, white background, and clubs on the left. My experience with HTML and CSS is relatively new as I started a few months ago.
As the screen width increases from 1230px, the margin-left incrementally changes by 0.8px. Is there an efficient way to enhance the performance of the webpage using over 35 "@media screen and (min-width: #px)" queries to accommodate a minimum screen width of 1930px? Will having this many queries impact the performance negatively?
/* Adjustment of Team Logos spacing for varying screen sizes */
@media screen and (min-width: 1200px)
.clubs .llul .logoli
margin-left: 0px;
@media screen and (min-width: 1210px)
.clubs .llul .logoli
margin-left: 0.45px;
@media screen and (min-width: 1220px)
.clubs .llul .logoli
margin-left: 0.9px;
@media screen and (min-width: 1230px)
/* More CSS code snippets not shown */
In addition, I provided a snippet of the code related to the element mentioned above. The remaining CSS code for this element is omitted for brevity.
<div class="clubs">
<p style="display: inline;">Clubs</p>
<ul class="llul">
<li class="logoli"> <img class="logoT" style="" src="media/teams/smlafel.JPG" alt="fl">
<ul class="llul">
<li class="logoli" style="padding-left: 10px;"> <b>Africa Elite</b> </li>
/* More elements present but not displayed here */