css displaying drop-down menu when hovered over

I've been trying to create a link that, when hovered over, displays a list of options. I've managed to make it work in Firefox and Google Chrome, but it doesn't display at all in Internet Explorer when hovering over the link.

I'm also facing an issue in Firefox and Google Chrome where I want to set the bottom border of the link to match the background color of the list of options so that the menu appears seamless. However, I am struggling to get the z-index to display the link on top.

You can view all my CSS and HTML code on the following page:

Answer №1

When creating list-based menus, it is best practice to:

  • Avoid styling the LI element directly; instead, apply all styles to the A tag and set its style to display:block.
  • Apply hover effects to the A tag rather than the LI element.

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