CSS: Choose elements that have a single parent that matches the attribute selector

I'm relatively new to coding, so please bear with me if this seems like a silly question. I'm currently working on developing a general-purpose scraper to extract product data using the "schema.org/Product" HTML microdata.

Unfortunately, I encountered an issue during testing (on this specific page where the name was incorrectly set as "Electronics" due to conflicting schema elements from Breadcrumbs).

To start, I declared a variable to verify if the page contains an element with Product schema microdata.

var productMicrodata = document.querySelector('[itemscope][itemtype="https://schema.org/Product"], [itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]');

Next, my intention was to select all elements with the itemprop attribute, such as:


The problem arises when I attempt to filter out elements with different ancestor schemas, such as Breadcrumbs and ListItem, which are still being included.

I assumed that by using the following logic:

productMicrodata.querySelectorAll(':not([itemscope]) [itemprop]');

I could avoid matching child elements with ancestor schemas (e.g. breadcrumbs), but to no avail.

I feel like I must be overlooking something obvious, but any guidance on how to correctly select elements with only one ancestor possessing the

attribute would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: To clarify the location of the elements I wish to exclude, here's a visual representation of the DOM for the example page provided. My goal is to skip elements with any ancestor itemtype attributes.

EDIT 2: Corrected the use of parent to ancestor. Apologies for the oversight, as I'm still learning :|

EDIT 4/SOLUTION: I've identified a JavaScript-based solution utilizing the Element.closest() method. Here's an example:

let productMicrodata = document.querySelectorAll('[itemprop]');
let itemProp = {};

for (let i = 0; i < productMicrodata.length; i++) {
    if (productMicrodata[i].closest('[itemtype]').getAttribute('itemtype') === "http://schema.org/Product" || productMicrodata[i].closest('[itemtype]').getAttribute('itemtype') === "https://schema.org/Product") {
        itemProp[productMicrodata[i].getAttribute('itemprop')] = productMicrodata[i].textContent; 



Answer №1

:not([itemscope]) [itemprop] is defined as:

An element containing an itemprop attribute and having no ancestor with this attribute.

For example:

    <div itemprop>
        <div itemprop> <!-- this one -->

This structure would qualify because although the parent element contains the attribute, the grandparent does not.

To target only elements without matching ancestor attributes, you must use the child combinator:

:not([itemscope]) > [itemprop]

Answer №2

Any suggestions on how I can specifically target elements that only have the attribute

would be greatly valued.

When using attribute selectors, you can specify explicit values:


Therefore, to accomplish this, you would use the following syntax:

var productMicrodata.querySelectorAll('[itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"]');

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