CSS Background Color Not Displaying Correctly

My HTML5 page has an issue where the image is taking over the background color of the entire page. I want to adjust it so that the image appears in the background, while the background color shows up behind the content on top. Check out my code below and let me know how to resolve this. Thank you for your help!

Here is the index file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="javajam.css">
    <title>JavaJam Coffee House</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">

<div id="wrapper">

<h1><img src="javalogo.gif" alt="JavaJam Logo" width="619" height="117"></h1>

<div id="nav">
    <a href="index.html">Home</a>&nbsp;
    <a href="menu.html">Menu</a>&nbsp;
    <a href="music.html">Music</a>&nbsp;
    <a href="jobs.html">Jobs</a>

<div id="content">

<img src="windingroad.jpg" alt="Winding Road" width="333" height="156" align="right">

    <li>Specialty Coffee and Tea</li>
    <li>Bagels, Muffins, and Organic Snacks</li>
    <li>Music and Poetry Readings</li>
    <li>Open Mic Night</li>

    12312 Main Street<br>
    Mountain Home, CA 93923<br>

<div id="footer">
    Copyright &copy; 2013 JavaJam Coffee House<br>
    <a href="mailto:<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a5dfcdc4d2cecccbd69c91939de5c2c8c4ccc98bc6cac8">[email protected]</a>"><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="6f15070e180406011c565b59572f08020e0603410c0002">[email protected]</a></a>

This is the CSS used:

body { background-color: #FFFFCC;
      color: #330000;
      font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; 
      background-image: url(background.gif); }

h1 { background-color: #CCAA66;
    color: #000000;
    text-align: center; }

h2 { background-color: #CCAA66;
    font-size: 1.2em;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 5px; }

img { border: none; }

#nav { text-align: center; }

#footer { background-color: #CCAA66;
         color: #000000;
         font-size: .60em;
         font-style: italic;
         text-align: center; 
         padding: 10px; }

#wrapper { background-color: ffffcc;
           width: 80%;
           margin-left: auto;
           margin-right: auto; 
           min-width: 700px; 
           -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #1e1e1e; 
           -moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #1e1e1e;
           box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #1e1e1e; }

#content { padding: 25px; }

.details { padding-left: 20%; 
           padding-right: 20%; }

Answer №1

According to Chrome's Inspector, the code you provided has an issue with the "ffffcc" value for background-color in the div #wrapper.

To make the background-color valid, try adding a "#" in front of "ffffcc". This modification should fix the display issue and prevent the body background-image from showing instead. Give it a go and see if it resolves the problem.

Answer №2

After reviewing your code, I noticed a small error. The original line reads:

#container { color: 333344; }

The correct version should be:

#container { color: #333344; }

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